Plant Theory Creative Cuisine
What are the important decisions we make everyday that directly impact our vitality and our future?
We are a team of dedicated individuals who are passionate in providing you the very best. We are
inspired to share with you what the ultimate healthy possibilities can be. We are committed to you and
want to meet you wherever you are on your path. We are in this together
We are constantly striving to provide delicious and nutritious balanced meals, seeking to use the purestingredients, sourcing organic and or local produce, use whole grains and whole foods, utilize a wholestore water and ice filtration system, use eco and sustainable products, support local artisan crafters andbelieve and support our community. We are on a mission to choose and create consciously a peacefulexistence. We want to feed your body, mind and spirit one bite at a time
Because we want to be
Because we believe that food is our pharmacy
Because we trust our bodies to heal
Because we practice compassion for all sentient beings
Because we love Mother Earth and want to take care of her
Because we believe our foods shouldn’t have GMOs or toxic pesticides
Because our carbon footprint matters
Because our food is an experience and want to nourish and connect with you
Because food is alchemy
al·che·my\ˈal-kÉ™-meÌ„\~a seemingly magical process of transformation and or creation